As of 2019 I
have photographed more than 16,000 individual wild plants, animals
and insects spread across over 2,000 species including over 100 species
considered rare/endangered. I have also been to over 175 state
and national parks and many more regional parks and wildlife management
My photographs have been shot with a variety of cameras
of varying abilities (and rarely even cell phone). Unless otherwise
noted, all subjects photographed were wild.
Quite simply,
I LOVE photography. I always have.
of this love, I pretty much always carry a camera around with
Yes, pretty much everywhere I go.
yes, I carry an actual camera - a singular device whose only reason
for existence is to take pictures.
Needless to say, I
go through cameras quite regularly (as I am not the most gentle and
mindful person when it comes to these modern marvels of motion capture).
I also take pictures under all sorts of conditions - many
of which are not conducive to the health of a piece of electronic
equipment. Still, the end result makes it all worth it
in the end. Or at least I like to think it does.
(for my wallet), I don't carry around one of those $1,000 models
complete with a tripod and sets. I only carry a click and shoot
camera - relying primary on being at the right place, at the right
time and having the right eye and angle to get my shot.
The dirty
work done, I have always enjoyed sharing my photographs with others
- primarily in the hopes that they will be inspired to go out &
experience the world around them (as well as venture to places
they've never been).
Now, at last having let all of the
compliments on my photographic prowess go to my head, I have
decided to publish my photos for the whole world to enjoy and maybe,
just maybe, to inspire those who, like me, have a talent and/or love
for photography.